I sipped my coffee, while dreaming, reflecting, and breathing in the beauty surrounding me at Conrad's beach on a scrumptious Nova Scotia morn. A sense of peace washed over me, as I found myself feeling incredibly blessed. If ever you are feeling out of whack or overwhelmed by the monotony of everyday life, I would highly recommend taking to the beach in the very early morning hours. There is a stillness and wonder that radiates, penetrating to the very depths of your being as worries get swept away on an ocean breeze. There comes a subtle knowing that while much of the world is still fast asleep - not you. You are very much alive. We need these reminders, that you could easily be one of them, missing this! The beach tends to have a way of soothing one's soul, and restoring perspective like an old, good friend. Particularly though, in those calm, quiet, early morning hours as the sun is rising to greet the day. When my new friends Courtney and Ryan arrived, we had a little chat as we ventured to the water. When Courtney asked where I was from, I -- with the same pride I always do -- announced that it was Sussex, New Brunswick. Well, lo and behold, can you guess the birthplace of their beautiful doggy? You got it. We were instant kindred spirits, my HomeDog Bruin and I. And he performed for the camera during our time together in a fashion that wouldn't let me to forget it (or him). He was bound and determined to make an impression on my heart, and he did. Diggin' holes like it was his JOB, enjoying camaraderie with his fellow beach-going doggies, and fetchin' balls like nobody's business. The other two stars of the show, Courtney and Ryan, managed to win my heart a wee bit themselves. These two? Very kind, laid back and easy going, and I admired their apparent love for one another as their sweet puppy frolicked joyfully around them. Bruin was in doggy heaven on that beach, which happens to be a favourite of theirs. Although slightly distracted by his hole digging responsibilities, Bruin still managed to fulfill his belly protecting/photo taking duties with style and ease. Multi-tasking like a champ! Sure, he broke free a time or two, overcome by a few shiny lures in the distance, but for the most part this doggy seemed to be acutely aware of his purpose and did not disappoint. Courtney couldn't possibly have been more sweet or stunning as a first time mama-to-be, and it was clear that there wasn't much Ryan wouldn't do to make his lady happy. Sessions can take time to orchestrate from start to finish, and Ryan was incredibly patient with the crazy camera lady who probably said: "ohhh, just one more..." and "promise, this is the last one!!" a few too many times. Thanks for a beautiful beach morning Courtney, Ryan + Bruin. It was certainly a joy to spend some time on the beach with you guys. I can't wait to meet your new bundle soon enough and for our next shoot! Won't be long now.

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