It's a bird, it's a plane, it's... Super HEATHER!!! You know those people? The ones that simply blow your mind with their accomplishments and undertakings? Heather is THAT person. She has a booming business with Arbonne, mom of two adorable boys, is a Supa-star curler - I could go on. The thing about Heather is... not only is she "THAT" girl, but she makes it look easy. That is what truly astonishes me. So the story goes like this. Heather e-mails me, mentioning that she got asked to be in the Women of Curling Calendar (which raises money for the Canadian Spinal Research Organization's "Shoot For A Cure" program. Each girl chooses their own photographer, and submits a photo. (Aww, shucks, thanks Heather for choosing little ol' MOI!) Naturally my interest was piqued -- so I did what we do in this century. I Boobled... err, Googled that is. My search returned a plethora of steamy images, which resulted in my distinct thinking (not to mention imminent blushing) ... Heather, you brave, sultry, soon-to-be Calendar Vixen you! So we spoke more about it, and I learned that in the past the submissions were super racy. But they have migrated away from those types of images, and the current calendar style is -- well -- a little more conservative. Classy. Phewf. Heather is all class, so I should have known she would only do something if it was done in a tasteful fashion. It's not that I can't handle sexy, but I believe in classy/sexy - so I was relieved when she relayed what she had in mind. It was a little more up my alley in terms of putting my name/work out there in a calendar format where I essentially had zero control of the accompanying images - ya know? Bottom line, Heather played dress up. (Special shout out to Lisa Drader-Murphy (owner/designer of Heather's fabulous pink and blue dresses.) We shot downtown. Heather stopped traffic. She looked hot. We had fun. And here is a little taste of what we captured.
PS. Can you say hello SHOES? Oh, and one more thing. If you haven't tried Arbonne's products, you seriously should. They are absolutely fabulous, of impeccable quality -- I can not say enough about them. You can check out Heather's website here:

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